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Here are some of the great features of How To Eat Gluten-Free... The Official Guide - 2012 (Elegantly Gluten-Free Survival Series)
, This book has been rewritten due to an oversight in the content that I made which was pointed out by one of my readers. Thank you "Idagirl"... My apologies. I appreciate your honesty, forthrightness and the time you spent letting me know that I missed it.
You can see my response to her review by clicking the comments link on the lower right hand side of the review.
As a result of her review, I have expanded the safe foods section from a little under one type-written page to approximately twenty "MS-Word" type-written pages.
Although it was stated that you can get all of this information simply by "Googling" gluten intolerance, I strongly disagree! This book presents insights that I have gleaned from my 15 years of cooking and living gluten-free. And, I've pulled it all together in one place. It's easily digestible and understandable.
This is a guide, not a treatise on gluten intolerance.
My life changed immensely once I was diagnosed as actually having celiac disease. It seemed like I was in a prison. I now had no choice... I had to learn how to eat gluten-free.
Not being able to eat gluten anymore was really hard. Because, other than fresh fruits, vegetables and some meat/fish, just about everything I bought for my family to eat had at least some gluten in it or was contaminated by gluten in the production process.
It was a very hard time for me. Not only couldn't I share my favorite foods with my family anymore, I also had to cook what I ate separately and make sure that it didn't get contaminated by what my best friends in the whole world were eating.
The culture shock and psychological effect of celiac disease on my life were devastating.
Simple things like going to the store to buy food now became a burden. No one thought in terms of "gluten-free food" back then.
When I went to the store to buy groceries, there was almost no information on the labels that really helped me to figure out what I could and couldn't buy for myself to eat so a lot of it was by trial and error. And "trial and error" basically meant "If I got sick after I ate something, it wasn't gluten-free.”
My best resources were a binder of notes from the registered dietician who talked to me about eating gluten-free and some Xeroxed copies of recipes given to me by a few celiacs I knew. That was pretty much it.
Today, although there is more information available and awareness of the "gluten problem" has increased dramatically, the same problems remain...
... I and countless other gluten sensitive and gluten intolerant individuals must still go to the grocery store to buy food that we can safely eat and hopefully will taste good too.
This book is designed to teach the basic principles of gluten-free food selection without your needing to vomit, get diarrhea, miss work or succumb to any of the list of devastating and sometimes fatal diseases that eventually develop in a percentage of the people who have unmanaged gluten-intolerance.
This book covers important topics like:
- What the FDA's Labeling Law compliance enforcement will and won't do to protect gluten intolerant individuals from gluten contamination.
- Cross-contamination and how to avoid it.
- What manufacturers consider "safe" levels of gluten contamination and how that may affect you or the gluten intolerant individuals that you prepare food for.
- A list of Safe Foods. Foods that you usually will be able to eat without serious side-effects.
- A short list of Unsafe Foods. Foods that you MUST avoid, no matter what!
- Rules to follow to help determine what you can and can't eat at home or away from home (like in restaurants).
- And, finally, I've included a reprint of my informative article about gluten intolerance and its long-term effects called "Gluten Intolerance, A Silent And Vicious Killer." It's a must-read for anyone with gluten intolerance... Especially those who have blood relatives with no outward celiac disease symptoms.
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